Enjoy A Successful Real Estate Career

I’m here to educate my colleagues on how to build a successful real estate business to fund a perfect life. Over the last decade, I figured out what it takes to be successful in real estate. Learn from us, and focus on your goals, so you can do what you do best: make money.

Do You Have a Career or a Job?

Do you have a job or a career? There are a few questions you can ask yourself to find out.

15 Minute Coaching Consultation

Do you have a career or a job? What’s the difference between the two?

Well, Webster’s dictionary defines a job as:
  1. A regular, remunerative position.
  2. A specific duty, role, or function.
  3. Something that has to be done; a task.
  4. An undertaking requiring unusual exertion.
  5. A small, miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate.

So, a job is a necessity. You clock in, do your work, and get paid a certain amount per hour.

Webster’s defines a career as:
  1. A speed in a course, or course of passage.
  2. An encounter or charge.
  3. A field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional, or business life.
  4. A profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.

I look at this question and say, “Can you see yourself doing something bigger than you are doing right now? Is there accountability and positivity? Who am I meant to be? Do I have a growing business that can be there without me?”

Can you see yourself doing something bigger than what you are doing right now?

I really believe that you should ask for what you want. Stop being realistic. Ask for what’s possible, not what’s probable. As I’ve been told, “Income is a result of good work. Passive income is a result of good decisions.”

I’d love to talk to you about a job or a career and how you can go from one to another. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you!

How to Silence Your Drunk Monkey

We all have a negative voice in our head that bogs us down with self-defeating thoughts. I call that voice the Drunk Monkey, and there are a few ways you can get rid of it.

15 Minute Coaching Consultation

Everyone occasionally has that negative voice inside their head. I like to call that voice: the Drunk Monkey.

The Drunk Monkey makes us question what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, whether we’re making good decisions, if we’re doing enough prospecting, or even just if we’re good enough in general.

So how do you silence your Drunk Monkey? Personally, I like to make sure I’m doing my best to maintain a positive environment.

This can look differently for everyone. But, some things to try could be: self-reflection, gratitude, affirmations, coaching, and goal-setting.

Whatever it means for you to create a more positive life, silencing your Drunk Monkey is a personal process.

With that in mind, though, Keller Williams has a program coming up in August called BOLD: Business Objective: a Life by Design.

I’ve been through this program several times, myself, even before I was with the company.

So, you can participate at no cost whether you’re part of the company or not.

It’s time to let go of that Drunk Monkey and stop letting it affect your life.

It’s time to let go of that Drunk Monkey and stop letting it affect your life.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Do Business Effortlessly With These Helpful Tech Tools

Which technology tools should you implement in your business in order to save time, be more responsive, and do business more effortlessly? 

Everyone is looking for ways to save time, be more responsive, and do business more effortlessly. Today, I thought I would share a few technology tools to help you do just that.

A lot of people are looking for ways to keep notes that will transfer between a desktop and mobile platform. You are probably already using tools like DocuSign, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

Evernote is one of my personal favorites. You can organize your professional and personal projects, write to-do lists, and take pictures to accompany each list. Another tool I enjoy using is Slydial; when you don’t have the time to chitchat, this tool connects you directly to someone’s voicemail. You can even input your own caller ID so that it looks like you’re calling from your phone.

Evernote is one of my personal favorites.
Another tool that I’ve been using for a couple months is called Folio for Gmail. This is a great app for co-op agents. You can also send this app to your buyers. Folio keeps a timeline and sends out automated reminders to everyone, and can be viewed on tablets and phones.

Finally, I would like to recommend the service called Updater, which is a moving concierge that you can offer to your clients. Updater will change your clients’ utilities, their newspapers, and things like that.

If you want to learn more about any of these tools or you’re looking for more technology ideas, give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to help you!

How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

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As a Realtor, it’s incredibly important to know how to navigate through social media. However, some agents find social media confusing and overwhelming.

Personally, I like to make educational videos. These videos allow me to create content that helps people learn while also developing relationships with past and future clients.

Here are a few mistakes to avoid when you start to use social media for your business:

  1. Don’t be unprepared and unorganized. Go in with some kind of plan.
  2. Don’t put your focus on one platform. Personally, I have five different social media platforms.
  3. Don’t wait to learn everything. Social media is constantly changing, so just jump in.
  4. Don’t put your guard down. Be flexible with social media marketing.
  5. Don’t strive for perfection. Just go with it!

If you have any other questions about using social media to grow your business, give me a call. I would be happy to help you!

3 Easy Must-Do’s for Growing Your Real Estate Business

You can grow your real estate business in no time with these three easy must-do’s.
15 Minute Coaching Consultation 

What are the three must-do’s for growing your real estate business?

1. Bring your website up to date. This is a must in today’s always-on-the-go business world. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and highly customizable. Statistics show that over 90% of homebuyers start their search online, and over half use mobile devices. Get a user-friendly website with easy-to-change templates.

2. Set yourself apart from others. As I always say, “If everybody’s going to the left, I’m going to the right.” There are plenty of affordable advertising options available to you at the click of a button, thereby making your listings and yourself more visible.

Take advantage of the amazing prospecting tools available to you.

3. Know and connect with your prospects. With cold calling a thing of the past, getting in touch with prospects can be much easier and faster. Take advantage of the amazing prospecting tools available to you. You can track your website traffic, automatically send emails to leads, and convert leads into sales, all thanks to customer management software (CRM) and effective lead management tools. Get the marketing tools you need to put it all into practice.

I’d love to talk to you about all the tools available at Keller Williams and help you expand your business, so please reach out so we can start brainstorming. I look forward to hearing from you!

Did You Achieve Your Goals in 2016?

Have you put together your business plan for 2017? Did you achieve your goals for 2016?

Have you fully completed your 2017 business plan? Today, I wanted to talk about your 2017 goals.

Many agents think that with less than two weeks left in a year, there won’t be any business left to be done. Keep in mind, though, that if you’re working with a buyer, you really only have until mid-January to have any hope of closing in the first quarter. It also marks a great time to pick up the phone to wish them happy holidays and let them know how much you appreciate them.

If you haven’t done it, right now is really the time to work on getting your business plan for 2017 together.

Right now is the time to work on getting your business plan for 2017 together.

I can’t stress enough how much you should focus on what you’ll do to improve. How did your 2016 go? Did it work out the way you expected? I can say that with an 87% failure rate in real estate, most agents would say no. That doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong business or even on the wrong track, however. It could mean that you’re working with the wrong team or the wrong company.

As you move forward, you need to think about the sales skills and processes you need to improve upon. Where do you want to go in your business? What kind of market share should you go after? Do you have a database or are you just working off of a paper pad?

If you fell short on your 2016 goals, then 2017 might be time to ramp it up. If you have any questions for me about growing your business or you want to do some brainstorming, give me a call soon. I look forward to helping you!