Enjoy A Successful Real Estate Career

I’m here to educate my colleagues on how to build a successful real estate business to fund a perfect life. Over the last decade, I figured out what it takes to be successful in real estate. Learn from us, and focus on your goals, so you can do what you do best: make money.

4 Conversations to Set Up Agents for Success

We want to help you grow your business. Whether you’re a new agent, an expansion agent, or a mega-agent doing a lot of business, ask yourself - can you use extra tools to improve your productivity? If so, we have a new calculator that’s available in real time on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. There are four things we want to track with it that can help you:

1. How many appointments are you going on?
2. How many listings are you taking?
3. How many properties under agreement?
4. Your profit.

We will give you the tools to do this.

I invite you to join us Monday at 1:45 PM in our training room. Once you’re aware of these four areas, you will know where to most efficiently spend your time. We will give you the tools to do this, so if you would like more information on following the MRA economic model or you’d like to increase your business, send me an email or give me a call.